{The Coalition}
{The Coalition}


a network of soul level humans


Hi I'm Sylvia!

If you're here, you might have heard my podcast Soul Level Human, or found me on social, or maybe a friend shared my stuff with you. Either way, I'm so happy you've stopped by! 

These are the conversations that light me up, and I finally know I'm not alone. If you're in a place where your friend group isn't having these conversations yet, or you're experiencing some new "unexplainable" coincidences, or supernatural feelings or insights, know that you're not weird, and there's nothing wrong with you.

This is all connected.

The world needs all of us, at our most powerful and courageous, right now

I know there's so much suffering and darkness now. Climate change, political instability, war, genocide... But trust me when I tell you, this is exactly what we came for. This is exactly what we've all been preparing for.

Intuition and psychic skills aren't just for pulling cards for your best friends on a Friday night.

It's meant to be part of your skillset to build and navigate through the life you came to live, and have the impact you came to have. 

So happy you're here.

Why The Coalition?

✨ Because doing anything together is more powerful than doing anything alone.

💪🏼 I know what it's like to have nobody to talk to about (non-denominational/non-judgemental) spirituality, or even the weird or paranormal stuff that freaks people out.

🧰 Because the world seems to be getting increasingly overwhelming and chaotic, and I realize the tools and connection I have are the lifeline to us getting through this time in one piece, and I'm not one to gatekeep.

 🙈 Because I'm so tired of the frothy and whitewashed practices that are soaked in white supremacy and spiritual bypassing that allows people to turn a blind eye to what's happening in our world, in favor of "feeling good".

🤩 Because... living this way is fun!

Your Options:

A Free Start

Coalition Lite

Support the Soul Level Human podcast and dip your toe into my world. Try it out. Take Intuition 101, and see what psychic skills you're already using. Be a part of the conversation, even if it's just listening and being a fly on the wall. That's where I started, too. 

And whenever you're ready for more, you can always upgrade and take your spiritual muscles to the next level. 

Coalition Premium

Get unlimited access to my most popular courses and programs, and my entire library of meditations. You'll also get invites to my VIP events, such as the monthly Coalition Nightcap (meditation, activity, hot seat readings and coaching), as well as exclusive classes with guest experts, and weekly bonus lives. Premium members also get special discounts on all 1:1 sessions.

Is this for you?

Spirituality isn't limited to mountaintops, ayahuasca ceremonies, and yoga retreats.

Spirituality is in the heart of service and presence of changing diapers in the middle of the night, the ego death of choosing to communicate from a vulnerable and honest place, the energetic awareness of making choices with integrity even when nobody's watching, and the courageous determination of up-leveling your career with the intention of supporting other humans (and your solidarity with them) with your dollars.

It's remembering you have tools to manage your energy before you go out into the world, and the grace to accept whatever that looks like, knowing you'll be a work in progress till the end.

It's keeping your focus on the reality you're helping to create, while also managing the existing requirements of the reality that hasn't quite caught up yet.

It's support. Accountability. Frequent reminders of the magical things happening behind the scenes, and a safe place to share, vent, and be seen and loved, exactly as you are.

*Fair warning: If you're offended by cussing, diversity, accurate decolonized history, science, LGBTQIA+ humans, but can still find reasons to justify unregulated access to guns and genocide... 

This is NOT a place for you.



MY business mentor, James Wedmore, is the perfect combo of business expert and energetic mastery, and he's helped soul-led heart-centered entrepreneurs all over the world reach audiences and income dreams.
We're here to make an impact, not get lost in the weeds.
James has a live 3 day event coming up, and you're not gonna wanna miss it. 
I'm a proud partner for his Business By Design program after experiencing the magic last year. (The bent spoon pic up above was from his live event!)
Working with him has been an absolute game-changer, even with just his podcast and free resources. 
Especially his 3 day event, Your First 100 Leads.


Send us an email: [email protected]